Welcome to the 185th episode of Master Your Story and one of our first COVID19 in-house video productions. We had a great time interviewing Qiana Cannon and Ashley Marie Knight, female Army Veterans and co-founders of Words Unite Bookstore. These women are on a mission. As authors themselves they understand the power that comes from words. Working together they have launch an amazing place in Killeen, Texas.

At Words Unite Bookstore they have amazing programs to give back to local and national communities. Books for a Cause is one of their signature programs. They develop gift boxes of donated books for children and students in need. After being in the Army and serving our country in places like Iraq, Qiana and Ashley have both been teachers and see the value an empowerment words can give to the human spirit.
To find out more about Words Unite Bookstore check them out on Facebook @WordsUniteBookstore or Instagram @WordsUniteBookstore