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Master Your Story

Launching the Process with Sweetie Berry

By November 28th, 2021No Comments

Today is an exciting day. I am so very pleased to launch the “Master Your Story” Project. This project has been a long time coming and I am so thrilled to be able to launch it with a brand new podcast series “Master Your Story and Learn How to Tell It”. This morning we are holding our announcement live on Facebook. I am so please to have our first interview be with Sweetie Berry. Sweetie is a strategist who helps well-able people transition into new projects or platforms. She has helped me understand the process which has lead me to today’s launch.

It truly is about process. This podcast and our website, are now launched and it is the first step in our “Master Your Story” project. The book, “Master Your Story, It Matters” will be out shortly, our speaking opportunities are launching at the end of September and we are also offering webinars and training courses all coming in the next few months. In any process team work is important. In the podcast we pull our guests to match the three main categories of the book; “Find Your Story”, Tell Your Story” and “How to Get Heard.” Find Your Story deals with looking deep inside your self or your company and uncovering what is there. Tell You Story deals with the process and logistics of getting your story down. “How to Get Heard” deals with the logistics and opportunities to gain public attention. Each of our guest are experts in one or all of the three areas. From human understanding to press releases Mastering Your Story and Learn how to Tell It podcast share real-life people with real-life experiences all designed to help you on your path.

In today’s podcast Sweetie walks us through those top things people must consider when in transition. Like with any new adventure, its important to give it thought, research and time to grow. Learn about the importance of having an audience, the process to get you ready to take the next step, and the strategy behind it all.

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