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How the Arts and Legal Blend Together to Create a Great Judge

By December 29th, 2021No Comments

The current struggle over how best to select the members of the state and federal judiciaries began in the debates leading to the adoption of the United States Constitution in 1787, continued as more states joined the union in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and is still going strong. The main elements of the controversy have not varied, and the question posed has remained the same: Is it more appropriate in a constitutional republic supposedly governed by the rule of law to have judges appointed by an executive or elected by the people?

In this podcast we have the distinct honor to speak with newly elected Judge Nick Englesson who presides over District Court in Bethlehem, PA Northampton County.

Nick mastered his story and brought it to the people of his district. The value of having the right message and one that resonates with your audience is critical to any election.

In addition to messaging Judge Englesson also has the top five qualities needed in a judge.

Judicial Temperament: This character trait encompasses both the ability to apply the law to the facts and to understand how a judicial decision will affect the human beings appearing before the court. It is the ability to communicate with counsel, jurors, witnesses and parties calmly and courteously, as well as the willingness to listen to and consider what is said on all sides of a debatable proposition.

Intelligence: This is the ability to know and apply legal rules, analyses and procedures to different facts and circumstances, and the ability quickly to perceive, comprehend, and understand new concepts and ideas.

Ethics: There should be no doubt about an applicant’s personal or professional ethics.

Courage and Integrity: Legal “Courage” is “the willingness to do what the law requires the judge to do even though the course the judge must follow is not the popular one”. “Integrity” is not being influenced by the identity, race, gender, political status, wealth or relationship of the party or lawyer before the judge. More basically it is not doing what the judge knows to be wrong. A judicial applicant should possess both courage and integrity.

Join us and listen to Nick’s story on how the arts and legal can work together. This is a fascinating conversation please enjoy.

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