This week Jon Shaver, famous award-winning New York City actor recently seen in NBC’s TV Series Gotham and also on Madam Secretary, Elementary, The Good Wife, 30 Rock, and in Movies such as Men in Black 3 and Delayed see more here: ( joins us to discuss his three key steps to mastering the characters story.

Jon Shaver in a scene from “Gotham”
An actor’s life is one of continually mastering the stories of others. Have you ever been at a party and across the room you see that one person who just seems to gather everyone’s attention. It would most likely be a person who has a grasp of mastering their own story and can grasp others stories.
As an actor you are involved in unending research, self-exploration, character development and understanding the big picture and how your character fits in to it. The goal of any actor from first reading to final performance is to develop that characters ability to be part of the story. Fully inhabiting the mind, mannerisms, and reality of a fictional character can be as alienating as it is rewarding. In this week’s “Master Your Story” edition Jon takes us through the top three questions you need to ask when becoming a character.