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Master Your Story

A Book That’s Launching a Mission

By November 30th, 2021No Comments

Dear Readers,

I’m writing to you today to inform you of my personal mission to lend a voice to those who have been harmed by Military Sexual Trauma (#MST). Over the next few months I will be reaching out to our elected officials, the military, leaders in business as well as those who suffer from #MST. The devastating effects of #MST last long after the incident has happened. In 90% of the cases those incidents never get reported. Why?…Fear!

As part of my personal mission I want to help those who have experienced #MST to tell their stories. To bring those stories to light. A bright light. One ally I’d like to meet is Senator Gillibrand (D-NY) she’s been a strong advocate for getting proper legal support for those who suffer from or experienced #MST.

I will keep you posted on my efforts to obtain a meeting with her and to move this mission of shining a light on this issue. The brighter the light the more healing can occur. As part of #MasterYourStory we are all about healing humanity through our stories. This story has become one I tend to share. I have kept my own #MST story quiet for 30 years. No more. Please stayed tune to this blog and see how this all unfolds.

Thank you for supporting our efforts and for being in tune with #MasterYourStory it matters and so do you.

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