Healing and a feeling of personal wholeness only occur when the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. Balancing them all is necessary for a happy and fulfilled life. And in moments of crisis—especially in moments of crisis—it is vital for you to be vigilant in protecting that balance.
All three are connected: the mind, body, and spirit. Weakness or imbalance in one of these can negatively affect the others. For example, severe emotional stress of the mind can cause high blood pressure and other illnesses in an otherwise healthy body. Similarly, physical illness or injury can cause depression in a usually healthy mind. Join me this week as we present Heather Browne. Join our discussion on the importance of understanding your body and how to heal.

Shamanic Wellness Practitioner Heather Browne
Heather Browne is an InterFaith Minister and practitioner of complementary wholistic Shamanic wellness, having successfully reverse engineered nearly 40 years of physical, mental and emotional pain.
A teacher of sense-abilities, Heather bridges ancient wisdom within today’s cultural realities, offering a fresh view of ReCovery ReFramed.
Heather’s launch into complementary care began when traditional medicine had little left to offer her. Challenged with the chronic pain of a long standing fibromyalgia diagnosis, and an inflamed lifestyle, she was immersed in physical pain, uncontrolled seizure activity, overpowering anxieties and cognitive disfunction; her doctors’ recommending disability.
Fully recovered and thriving without conflict, Heather is soon publishing her remarkable story. Heather has cured, the seemingly incurable. With a connective focus on readily accepted modern sciences, she offers hope and inspiration as an adjuct to the technologies of today.